Art in Provo is growing and fluctuating. "Hour Provo" is an effort to contribute to that growth and to allow the diverse people that make up our community to become the art themselves. These folks are just some of the elements and ingredients that represent Provo. Each individual’s portrait is captured in oil paints and painted directly from the live model in one hour.

Our community has a wealth of diversity. Some have been here for multiple generations while others have been here only months. Some ask for money for food and some ask for political votes. There are musicians, businessmen, children, artists, mothers, students, old and young, poor and rich. There are many beliefs and many ethnic backgrounds. All are equal. Whether prominent or subtle, each individual is given the same attention as a part of "Hour Provo". Each is painted in one hour and each is equally represented.

Please contribute to our community.


ps - I no longer regularly post to this blog but please look through to see all the 51 portraits. Quick links to each are on the side bar, or just scroll through.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Duane Call

no. 31

Duane introduced himself to me at Trendz Cafe as he was looking at my paintings that are on display. I thought, great I can paint a business man. It turns out he's does and has done just about anything, including painting. He lives in Provo with his wife and four daughters and is a long time resident. I was fortunate enough to get to do this painting in part of Justin Hackworth's studio area. I like the red wall.

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The art scene in Provo is growing and fluctuating. "Hour Provo" is an effort to contribute to that growth and to allow the diverse people that make up our community to become the art themselves. These folks are just some of the elements and ingredients that represent Provo. Each individual’s portrait was captured in oil paints and painted directly from the live model in one hour.
Our community has a wealth of diversity. Some have been here for multiple generations while others have been here only months. Some ask for money for food and some ask for political votes. There are musicians, businessmen, children, artists, mothers, students, old and young, poor and rich. There are many beliefs and many ethnic backgrounds. All are equal. Whether prominent or subtle, each individual is given the same attention as a part of "Hour Provo". Each is painted in one hour and each is equally represented.

Please contribute to our community.